Saturday, 18 December 2010

Metal Monkey

Thanks to a good friend of mine, with whom I work, I have been very interested in Chinese traditions and celebrations so, thanks to Wikipedia and the wonderful people who populate it, I found out that I was born in The Year of the Monkey with the elemental sign of Yang Metal. Which I have to say I'm ecstatic about as I've always been crazy about monkeys and after reading the attributes of Metal I am positive that it describes me very accurately! Incidentally, Mr. Sweet is Yang Fire Dragon which is the only thing with power over Metal... I think I'll keep that quiet....
The qualities associated with metal are
The metal person is controlling, ambitious, forceful and set in their ways as metal is very strong; and they are self-reliant and prefer to handle their problems alone. The metal person is also materialistic, business oriented and good at organization and stability. However the metal person can also appreciate luxury and enjoy the good things in life. Just as metal can conduct electricity, the Metal person has strong impulses and generative powers and can bring about changes and transformations for those who come into contact with them. The negative emotion associated with metal is grief, while the positive emotion is courage.
Gemstone Peridot 

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Meditation to Tame the Mind

In an effort to be more focussed and less consumed by what's around me I have wanted to start meditating and listening to myself for a while now. I've come across some strange meditation ideas in the past but this one, inspire by the goop blog, is one that I can do without feeling like I'm getting nowhere. 

Reinforcing your power of hearing you sit upright or lie on your back with your knees raise lightly with a cushion and listen. That's all. When your mind starts to wander you start practicing discipline by making yourself listen again and again. To everything. And anything. Every new noise is interesting, though it wasn't before, and you start to chill.

After my first shot I feel that I want to do it every day.  It's an easy way of stepping into the world of meditation without much effort and maximum effect and without feeling like a complete nonce - which is nice!

Friday, 8 January 2010

Organic or Not Organic?

I remember stocking up on food in a supermarket in Switzerland when I was in my mid teens and seeing organic fruit and vegetables for the first time. I couldn't tell the difference. I didn't know the difference either.

Over the years I have started to understand the importance of eating organic food. How we protect our environment by not supporting harmful pesticides use and, more importantly, to maintain our personal health. Obviously the distinct taste difference is a huge plus (strawberries actually taste like they should!) and the similarity in price now means that it is much more feasible for your budget.

Dr Andrew Weil has a website which I often turn to for guidance when it comes to my health. Here's what he says about organic food. And, interestingly,  foods you don't have to buy organic.

What about you? What organic food do you eat?

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Let It Be Spring!

Kimichi & Blue Tulle Dress £45 at Urban Outfitters

You know when you wish so hard for snow and one day it appears.
And then it just keeps coming. More of it. Every day.
It's nice I guess but now I'm longing for Spring and warmth.
Dwarf narcissi, a fresh, pale palette. Those delicate streams of sunshine telling you to wake up again.

So, I'm just gonna dream a little and put together my Spring wardrobe. Here's what I've come up with so far.

Monday, 4 January 2010


When you've celebrated a wonderful Christmas and survived Hogmanay all I ever want to do is "Spring Clean" - myself, the flat, my man, anything I can get my hands on! And that to the extreme

For the next week I will be sprucing up the flat until it's gorgeous not only so that I can breathe again but because we're having our first Bridesmaid's Weekend soon so, I want the flat ready for guests which means it has to look it's best.

This week's plans:

MONDAY - Clear out clutter 
  • BEDROOM - in the bed storage, under the bed
  • CLOTHES - hanging, in drawers, shoes
  • KITCHEN - cupboards, on top, fridge, drawers, table
  • WINDOWS - sills and shelves
  • BOOK SHELVES - craft boxes, on top, boxes on top
  • top of dresser
  • BATHROOM - storage shelves, lying around
Sort by deciding what you want to:
  1. keep (DON'T keep if you haven't used it in the last 6 months)
  2. sell on gumtree or eBay
  3. give to charity
  4. throw out or recycle
I make sure that once I've done one room I don't put anything back into that room and gather everything that's going out in one area - ready to go!

TUESDAY - Get It All Out
Get as much as possible out of the house.
  • Charity: things I definitely can't reuse myself but still in good nick
  • Recycle: ie. what the council takes with them - plastic bottles, cardboard, paper etc.
  • Rubbish - gets picked up on Thursday
  • Christmas decs and anything else you need to keep but don't need in the house to the garage
WEDNESDAY - Organize Paperwork
  • IMPORTANT into appropriate files
  • goals paperwork into folders
  • RUBBISH - define by asking yourself - if I can't find this again will I survive or can I get it replaced?
  • ACTION - still to do something about
  1. Front Room: vacuum under sofa + dresser, dust, wash on top of book shelves, clean windows + sills, wipe down radiator, clean mirror, clean ornaments
  2. Kitchen: clean cupboard doors, clean fridge, defrost freezer, clean window + sills, clean tiles, clean countertop, clean table, wash place mats, wash floor, wipe down radiator, clean ornaments
  3. Bathroom: wash floor, vacuum, clean window + sill, clean storage shelves, clean shower, clean loo, clean wash basin, wipe down radiator, clean mirror
  4. Bedroom: wipe down radiator, vacuum, dust side tables, clean window + sill + shelves, wash over bed hanging, clean mirror jewellery box, clean ornaments
  5. Hall: wipe down shoe storage, beat door mat, vacuum, clean window, wipe down back of door, clean ornaments

  1. repaint front doorstep
  2. brush down door to remove cobwebs and dust
  3. hang up gargoyles outside
  4. look for bulbs for the windowsill
  5. paint canvas with base colour
  6. wash the curtains
  7. wash cushion covers
  8. freshen up cushion covers with upcycled jumper roses etc.
  9. finish frame around the mirror
  10. patch up paintwork on kitchen chairs
With a busy week ahead of me I'm going to get to it! I'll let you know how I get on!

Cheers, Jess

Friday, 1 January 2010

New Year Resolution 2010

2010 is going to be a BIG year for me. 
  • I am turning 30 - Yes, I know I only look like I'm 22.... Thanks....
  • I am getting married to the man of my dreams - and I'm nowhere near organized
  • My brother is getting married in May to a wonderful girl I am happy to call my sister in law
  • We are having our first Family Reunion this summer
And yet I still feel I should be setting myself a few challenging New Year Resolutions....
Crazy, I hear you say? Highly likely. I think I'm crazy too.

So after much consideration I am going embrace my already frugal state of living and set myself the challenge of 

living frugally in 2010

Radically changing your lifestyle like this is quite difficult so I plan to take this one step at a time and make it longterm resolution. The reasons behind it are:
  1. I firmly believe that millionaires are made from scrooges
  2. I strongly believe that we already have enough mass manufactured things in the world and we should use and reuse what we already have
  3. I want to buy my own house in the next couple of years
  4. I think we can live off less and why shouldn't we?
  5. Living frugally is a good skill to learn and it makes you thankful for what you already have
So, I would like to:
  • make birthday/christmas/anniversary presents and cards including wrapping
  • make everything I need from what I already own
  • if I do have to replace something I will do it by buying secondhand
  • only make investment buys - eg. basic wardrobe of clothes, sturdy furniture, good quality linens - so that they will last longterm
  • not pay someone to do something I can easily do myself for a better price 
  • recycle and upcycle everything I can get my hands on
  • make my own home decorations - easter & christmas
  • shop for the best bargain for everyday things like milk, flour etc
Longterm I would love to:
  • grow my own vegetables, fruit and herbs
  • make my own natural medicines for basic ailments
  • make my own beauty treatments
  • have my own chicken to provide me with eggs
  • be able to sew well enough to provide myself with stylish clothing
  • make my decisions prioritising myself and the environment
This involves perfecting some skills old and new skills like:
  • baking - breads, cakes 
  • sewing - patching, buttons, clothing 
  • knitting - scarves, hats, gloves, presents 
  • body care - beauty treatments, hair cutting 
  • budgeting 
  • growing herbs and tomato plants
  • natural therapies - aromatherapy
  • how to look after chicken
I am looking forward to this New Year Resolution. Many of the points are things I have been living by or working on for at least the last year but this year I am dedicating my way of life to it. I don't want to compromise our comfort and style so I think this will be the challenge.

Here's to 2010! 
May it be a year of looking inward at ourselves and our priorities; at being creative and thankful rather than keeping up with the Jones's and their fashion fads. 
May it bring us more joy, love, satisfaction and... savings!