Friday, 1 January 2010

New Year Resolution 2010

2010 is going to be a BIG year for me. 
  • I am turning 30 - Yes, I know I only look like I'm 22.... Thanks....
  • I am getting married to the man of my dreams - and I'm nowhere near organized
  • My brother is getting married in May to a wonderful girl I am happy to call my sister in law
  • We are having our first Family Reunion this summer
And yet I still feel I should be setting myself a few challenging New Year Resolutions....
Crazy, I hear you say? Highly likely. I think I'm crazy too.

So after much consideration I am going embrace my already frugal state of living and set myself the challenge of 

living frugally in 2010

Radically changing your lifestyle like this is quite difficult so I plan to take this one step at a time and make it longterm resolution. The reasons behind it are:
  1. I firmly believe that millionaires are made from scrooges
  2. I strongly believe that we already have enough mass manufactured things in the world and we should use and reuse what we already have
  3. I want to buy my own house in the next couple of years
  4. I think we can live off less and why shouldn't we?
  5. Living frugally is a good skill to learn and it makes you thankful for what you already have
So, I would like to:
  • make birthday/christmas/anniversary presents and cards including wrapping
  • make everything I need from what I already own
  • if I do have to replace something I will do it by buying secondhand
  • only make investment buys - eg. basic wardrobe of clothes, sturdy furniture, good quality linens - so that they will last longterm
  • not pay someone to do something I can easily do myself for a better price 
  • recycle and upcycle everything I can get my hands on
  • make my own home decorations - easter & christmas
  • shop for the best bargain for everyday things like milk, flour etc
Longterm I would love to:
  • grow my own vegetables, fruit and herbs
  • make my own natural medicines for basic ailments
  • make my own beauty treatments
  • have my own chicken to provide me with eggs
  • be able to sew well enough to provide myself with stylish clothing
  • make my decisions prioritising myself and the environment
This involves perfecting some skills old and new skills like:
  • baking - breads, cakes 
  • sewing - patching, buttons, clothing 
  • knitting - scarves, hats, gloves, presents 
  • body care - beauty treatments, hair cutting 
  • budgeting 
  • growing herbs and tomato plants
  • natural therapies - aromatherapy
  • how to look after chicken
I am looking forward to this New Year Resolution. Many of the points are things I have been living by or working on for at least the last year but this year I am dedicating my way of life to it. I don't want to compromise our comfort and style so I think this will be the challenge.

Here's to 2010! 
May it be a year of looking inward at ourselves and our priorities; at being creative and thankful rather than keeping up with the Jones's and their fashion fads. 
May it bring us more joy, love, satisfaction and... savings! 

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