Monday, 20 July 2009

Peppermint Tea

I posted recently about the delights of Faith's garden. Apart from the fact that it is constantly in bloom at this time of the year, there's also fresh salad and a large bush of peppermint which we haphazardly "planted" there last year. I pinched 30 large leaves from it last Sunday and took them home to make tea. It's easy and this is how it goes...

  1. Take a handful of large leaves from your mint plant ( about 30 leaves)
  2. Wash them thoroughly in cold water.
  3. Allow to dry in a container with airholes for a few days- I use a recycled fruit container from the supermarket
  4. Shake them up on a daily basis to prevent mold and allow air to crisp them up
  5. When they are crackly to the touch you can add 10 leaves to a pan/pot of 2 litres of boiling water and allow to steep for 5 minutes.

I like mine just the way it is with no added sweetness but you could add honey or sugar if you feel you need it. I leave my leaves in the water all day. I have a couple of cups of hot and warm tea in the morning and then drink cold tea in the afternoon and with dinner.

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